I haven’t had much time for studio updates lately, it’s all hands on deck at Century Pigeon Studios.
As I write this, Dan is recording some ultra heavy rhythm guitars. I’ve already done all my guitar solos – it’s a real topsy turvy, upside down, wrong way up session.
Anyway, tomorrow we will be visited upon by our record company executives; we’re going to play them the finished masterpieces, then we’re going to have vegan ravioli for tea while they scrape their faces off the back wall of the control room and write out a novelty sized check in the amount of ONE HUNDRED MILLION POUNDS! (Which after Brexit, is approximately 70 Euros.)
We have had an utterly brilliant time recording with engineer George ‘Perksy’ Perks and producer Adrian “Bushby-y” Bushby. More news tomorrow.
Happy days.
Justin 🙂